This guide will help break down many of the common causes of the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to be displayed when using Google Chrome, as well as detailed troubleshooting methods to help you solve any potential issues that you might be having.
Why Does Instagram Say “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again”?
There are several reasons that this notification could display while using the Google Chrome browser. Some are more common than others. When you can’t post on Instagram, it can be annoying especially if you’ve scheduled the post. The list below will examine some of the common causes of the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to be displayed, so you can better understand how to address your issue.
1. The Image Dimensions Are Too Wide
Instagram only supports image dimensions within a specified range. The most commonly used dimensions fall between 330 and 1080 pixels. Combined with the chosen aspect ratio of the picture or video, Instagram determines the most optimal settings to display the image. If you attempt to upload a picture or video to Instagram that does not fall within the specified size and ratio parameters, you could run into issues when trying to post them on Instagram. This type of error can be recreated on other browsers, with Google Chrome opting to display the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to indicate a problem with the upload. If you encounter this notification after trying to upload a picture, it could be caused by incompatible picture or video dimensions. Staying within the standard size range can help lower your chance of encountering this issue.
2. You Are Trying to Post Multiple Photos at Once
If you wish to flood your follower’s feed with multiple pictures at one time, you could run into problems with your upload causing the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to be displayed. Instagram prefers posts to be made one by one, as too many post attempts at once can trigger red flags with the app’s anti-spam software. If you use some kind of third-party software on your PC to access your Instagram account, you could potentially run into similar issues that could cause the notification to display in Google Chrome. Third-party software is generally not recommended for use with Instagram, as it could cause compatibility issues. If you find that you experience the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification after attempting to post many photos at once, it could be due to Instagram flagging your posts as spam and blocking them from being posted.
3. You Are Attempting to Post a File Format That Is Not Accepted
The type of file that you are attempting to post to your Instagram page can also influence the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification being displayed. If the photo or video you are trying to post is an incompatible file type, you will find that Instagram will not complete your post. Instead, users on Google Chrome with be met with a notification letting them know their post has failed. To be safe, you should always check your file types before attempting to upload and post them to Instagram. The preferred formats for photos and videos are .jpg and .wav, respectively. Being aware of the types of files that you are uploaded is essential for your Instagram posts to be accepted and displayed correctly. If you find that you have a photo or video uploaded in an incompatible file type, consider reuploading with one that Instagram will accept. There is file type converter software available online that can automatically convert your files to one that is compatible with Instagram.
4. Your Image Is Too High a Resolution
Similar to the way that a photo or video dimension can cause issues when posting on Instagram, the resolution being too high can cause your post to fail. When this happens in Google Chrome, the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification will be displayed to indicate to the user that there has been an error with their post. The aspect ratio of your photo or video plays a key part in determining the overall resolution of your post. Instagram’s preferred aspect ratio is 16:9. If you adhere to the standard ratio, you can lower your chances of experiencing issues that might cause this notification to appear in Google Chrome. If you find that a picture or video you are attempting to post on Instagram is an incompatible resolution, there are online converters that can scale your image up or down to a resolution that Instagram will accept.
5. You Are Trying to Post A PNG
As previously mentioned, Instagram is quite particular with the types of files that it will allow being uploaded and posted on the app. PNG images are not compatible with Instagram. If you try and post a PNG image, you run the risk of encountering the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification while using Instagram on Google Chrome. The notification will display to notify you that the post has failed, potentially due to an incompatible file type like PNG. Instagram will try to convert any PNG images it detects to .jpg to help consolidate any compatibility issues with the PNG file. If unable to successfully do so, the post will fail. The only type of image file currently accepted by Instagram is .jpg, with all other file types being automatically converted to the acceptable file type. To avoid the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification while using Google Chrome, always check your file types before uploading to the app.
6. You Have Encountered a Bug
Just like any software application, Instagram is subject to the occasional bugs or glitches in functionality. These types of errors are not usually caused by the user but are instead the result of some kind of faulty internal function with the app’s software. Users who experience a bug in the application can sometimes have their posts fail at no fault of their own and are then shown the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification. Luckily, this type of error will typically resolve itself, with no additional action needed from the user. Bugs and glitches are not very common on the Instagram app, as period updates help keep the app free of errors and running optimally. Still, it is always possible to run into one of these. If you feel like you have met all of the posting criteria set in place by Instagram and are still receiving the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification, it could just be due to a temporary bug or glitch in the app.
7. Instagram Is Down
Websites and applications that have millions of users across the world are subject to server overloads that could cause your posts to fail and your Google Chrome Browser to display the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification. When the Instagram servers are down there will be little to no access to any of the online functions of the app. Server outages usually affect widespread usage. Another common reason for the Instagram servers to go down is routine server maintenance and downtime. A larger server like Instagram’s depends on routine care and maintenance to ensure that it can handle the massive load of daily users that log in. Typically these outages are short and announced far in advance so users can be aware of any potential loss of functionality while using the app. A downed server means no posts will be able to be completed, causing the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to display until service has been reinstated. The only thing you can do to combat a downed Instagram server is to wait it out.
8. You Are Having an Issue with Google Chrome
There is a possibility that your Instagram problems could be caused by some issue that you are experiencing with your browser. Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers in the world but has been known to have some compatibility issues with the Instagram app. If you can post photos and videos on other devices from your account with no issues, you could need to update your Google Chrome browser. Keeping your browser regularly updated ensures proper functionality while using Instagram on a desktop. If you do not currently have an update available, you might consider doing a full reinstall of the Google Chrome browser to help remove and replace any potentially fragmented or corrupted files. Starting over with a clean installation can help remedy many browser-related issues that you might experience while using Google Chrome. If none of the above situations apply to you, then the error could be stemming from Google Chrome. Problems with your browser can cause your posts to not be processed correctly by Instagram, leading to the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification being displayed to Google Chrome users.
How To Fix “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again”
Now that we have covered many of the common causes of the Instagram “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification being displayed to Google Chrome users, you can begin to examine ways to troubleshoot your issue. There are several ways that you can try and solve issues regarding posts not being shared on Instagram. The list below will explain in detail how to go about these different methods.
1. Scale Down Image
The size of the photo or video that you are attempting to post on Instagram can affect whether or not the app can successfully process it. Images that are larger than the limitations set by Instagram will not be processed, causing the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to pop up. The easiest way to solve issues with an image that is too big for Instagram is to use image scaling software to scale your image down to a size that Instagram will accept. Image scaling software can be found for free on the web. There are also paid image scaling applications that will give the users more freedom and versatility while editing their photos.
2. Compress The Image
Just like the size of an image, the resolution has to be within the range accepted by Instagram, or else the post will fail, prompting the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification. Similar to the way you could scale down your image, there are many image editing software applications that will compress your image to an acceptable resolution. These types of programs are easy to use, with little or no prior photo edition experience required. Utilizing these types of free-to-use programs can help ensure that all of your Instagram photos meet the standards set in place by Instagram.
3. Try Uploading a Lower Resolution Image
If you already use photo editing software to enhance your photos before you post them to Instagram, you could have accidentally enhanced their resolution so much that they cannot be processed by the app. If you find that is the case, try uploading the image in a lower resolution and see if that solves the problem. Instagram is strict with its guidelines for an acceptable photo or video upload. If you frequently use editing software to enhance your photos, you could be pushing them out of compatibility with the app, which could cause the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to be displayed.
4. Make Sure the Photo You Are Posting is a JPEG
A JPEG image, or .jpg, is the only currently acceptable photo media file type that Instagram supports. If you are trying to upload another file type like a PGN, the app will automatically try to convert it to a JPEG. This can cause complications when posting that could result in the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification being displayed. It is a wise choice to make sure that all of your photos are in JPEG format before attempting to upload and post them to Instagram. There are several different file converter applications on the market for you to choose from if you find yourself needing to change some of your image file types.
5. Wait For the Servers to Resolve
If you are experiencing issues with your posts failing and the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification being displayed due to downed servers at Instagram, then unfortunately your only option is to be patient. Luckily, the servers typically do not stay down for long, and you will regain access to your accounts soon.
6. Use Another Browser
If you suspect that Google Chrome is the cause of your issues, then switching to another browser can help remedy your posting issues. The “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification typically only appears to people using the Google Chrome browser. Switching browsers can help you bypass this notification entirely, though you might encounter similar error messages while using alternative browsers.
7. Upload on Your Phone Using the App
If your posts are not processing correctly while using Instagram on your desktop, consider switching to your phone or tablet. The Instagram app is optimized for mobile use and is more likely to experience issues when being used on desktops. Often switching to the mobile app can help resolve any posting errors that could cause the “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification to display after a failed post.
8. Access the Desktop Version of Instagram from Your Phone
If you do not have access to the Instagram app but can use your mobile device to currently surf the web, then you could try accessing the desktop version of Instagram,, from your phone’s web browser. This will give you access to your account without having to log in through the Instagram app itself. If you are having issues with the Instagram “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification displaying on your PC, you could find success accessing the site from your mobile device outside of the app.
Final Thoughts
With this detailed guide, you can now successfully troubleshoot any potential issues you might encounter while using Instagram on Google Chrome. The “Your Post Could Not Be Shared. Please Try Again” notification typically indicates some type of posting error, many of which this guide broken down in detail, with proven methods to solve them and get you back to posting as soon as possible.